Disclaimer for https://www.horse-watch.nl
On this page, you will find the disclaimer of https://www.horse-watch.nl, as provided by Horse Watch. In this disclaimer, we indicate under what conditions we offer the information on our website to you.
Intellectual Property
The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute, or otherwise use or abuse this information. You may only reuse the information on this website in accordance with the mandatory regulations.
Without explicit written permission from Horse Watch, it is not allowed to reuse text, photo material, or other materials on this website. The intellectual property rights belong to Horse Watch.
No Guarantee of Accuracy
If applicable:
For the prices displayed on our website, we strive for the most careful representation of reality and intended prices. Errors that occur and are recognizable as programming or typographical errors will never constitute a basis for claiming or assuming a contract or agreement with Horse Watch.
Horse Watch aims to have an updated website. Despite our efforts, if the information or content on this website is incomplete or incorrect, we cannot accept liability for that.
The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and do not claim to be accurate. We reserve the right to change, remove, or repost these materials without any prior notice. Horse Watch does not accept liability for any information linked to via hyperlinks.
If this disclaimer changes, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer for https://www.horse-watch.nl on this page.
Privacy in Camera Use
When using our surveillance system in environments such as competition stables, privacy is essential. To respect the privacy of participants and passersby, we strongly recommend using the privacy mode of the camera app.
The privacy mode, available in our camera app, ensures that the camera does not record sounds or store images. This setting is ideal for situations where discretion is necessary, such as in a busy environment like a boarding or competition stable.
Additionally, we advise directing the camera only towards the stable and not towards aisles or public areas where people frequent. By positioning the camera correctly, you can safeguard the privacy of others while still enjoying the benefits of our Horse Watch system.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring privacy and respect for others during the use of our product.